Designed For Water Bottles and Pitchers / Creates 9.5pH Mineral Alkaline Water.
Stay Hydrated, Stay Balanced With Everyday Mineral Alkaline Water - GOFILTR Alkaline Original water infuser is a well-balanced mineral water alkalizer and ionizer, creates fresh-tasting mineral alkaline water with a high pH level of up to 9.5, providing optimal hydration for your everyday needs.
GOFILTR alkaline water infuser replacement can be used in any water bottle, wide-mouth water bottle, pitcher, and containers with opening of 1" or larger. Whether you're at home, in the office, or on the go, effortlessly infuse your water with alkaline goodness. No specialized tools or modifications.
Each GOFILTR Alkaline infuser provides up to 750 refills or 3 months of fresh alkaline water refills, with only 4 cents per refill of alkaline water and without straining your wallet.
A well-balanced mineral alkaline water infuser creates fresh-tasting ionized alkaline water with a pH level of up to 9.5 that's packed with beneficial minerals for optimal hydration.